Candy Riot is a local Synth Rock band that focuses on pop songs with dance beats and huge vocal harmonies. We’ve gathered about 100k streams on Spotify and our last 8 singles in a row were spun on 101X Homegrown Live. Hey! Can you introduce yourselves and tell me how you formed as a band? ...
With a combination of dreamlike synths and rhythmic drum beats, Candy Riot’s ‘Moonstar’ teleports you back to the 80s – you can’t help but tap your foot and groove along to their music. Each track provides a different feel and mood for the listener, all of which feel tranquil. For me, the paired vocals and ...
Dropping their latest EP ‘Moonstar’ we got to chat to Candy Riot about the making behind the masterpiece, playing live and the upcoming album. Thanks so much for talking to revamp, in 3 words, describe your sound. Dark, fun and dancy You formed in 2020, and 2020 was a weird year, how did you form as a band ...